One Who Makes You Smile

One Who Makes You Smile
I hope someday you’ll let me…
By: Julian Javier
Date: May 21, 2011 @ 2:44AM GMT +8

The Night Sky


As I lay alone in my bed gazing at the stars tonight…
I remember how your smile shines like starlight…
As pretty as the stars in the sky shining so bright…
In these dark, cold, and lonely nights…


I’d do anything in my power to see that wonderful smile…
Write you poems, even swim the length of the River Nile…
Oh how I wish I was the camera in your mobile…
So, I could capture your smile and always make you smile…


I wanna be the man who makes you laugh…
Never the man who makes you frown and makes you sad…
Never the man who breaks your heart and makes you cry…
I wanna be the man who makes you smile…


Will you let me be the man who makes you smile?


I hope someday you’ll let me…


I hope you are not just another dream to me…
I hope you are my future, my destiny…


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That Star, My Senses…

Poem for Poetry Pot Luck on Poet’s Rally Week 39:
That Star, My Senses…
What I feel when I see you…
By: Julian Javier
Date: March 9, 2011 @ 1:50AM GMT +8

The Brightest Star in My Sky is You...

Oh Star!
You shine so bright upon me!
It’s you I see while i lie down in the lawn of this mountain’s tree.
When will I you see fall down on me and be close to me?
Seeing you is like seeing sunbeam twinkling morning dew to me!

Oh Star!
In the deep deep dark you wonderfully spark!
You shine like the buzzing firefly in the park!
I wanna hear you singing in the dark!
Seeing you is like listening to a singing lark.

Oh Star!
In the fragrant scent of my summer nights,
I wait for everyone to turn off their lights.
So, I could see you better from this mountain’s heights.
Seeing you is like smelling butter-melt rice on my mornings’ breakfast rites!

Oh Star!
You are so bright and trippy!
You twinkle like a gem so pretty!
You are like a mint candy that’s oh, so minty!
Seeing you is like tasting sweet and smooth honey!

Oh Star!
You are so shiny and so lovely in the skies!
In this warm tropical night your shine is cooling in my eyes .
I wanna feel your cool under the night skies!
Seeing you feels chilling like inside glowing magical ice.

Oh Star!
As you slowly fade away at dawn…
As Dawn shines it’s lights on this mountain’s lawn…
You leave me feeling of missing you for another day that’s oh so long…
Seeing you fade away i feel is just oh so wrong!

Star Photo above and My Poet’s Rally Week Awards for Poetry Pot Luck for the poems The Dark, The Sniper, To the Slanderer:

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Poets Rally Week 40: March 24-30, we will enjoy spring break and have two weeks free.
Check details @ Jingle Poetry

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Check all of my poetry’s table of contents here: Click Me!!!