
Nothing matters…
By: Julian Javier
Date: August 11, 2011 8:11PM GMT +8

Why am I here?
What am I doing here?


Why am I still here?
What am I still doing here?


I am nothing…
… or at least I know that I know nothing…
Utterly, completely, absolutely nothing…


Nothing matters…
Life… Money…
Happiness and Misery…
Pleasure and Agony…


All these are fruits of man’s weakness…
His dissatisfaction…
His disillusion…
It’s all an illusion…


Nothing at all…


No path to walk on…
No direction to follow…
No purpose…


So, why am I still here?
So, what am I still doing here?


Absolutely for nothing…


The Void


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One response to “Nothing

  1. too sad… you need some inspiration. there is no such thing as nothing.. if we live honest and hard working lives, we all have a purpose. we all bring happiness to at least someone out there…

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