A Writer’s Weapon

A Writer’s Weapon
An Outcry
By: Julian Javier
Date: February 27, 2011 @ 9:45PM GMT +8

My pen is more mightier than any knife, any blade, or any sword!
The words that come from it are sharper than any edge of any sharpened sword!

The pen is the weapon of my choice.
It shall be the medium of my unheard voice.

I shall make use of my weapon and continue to whet its edge.
Today, I make you this solemn pledge.

I shall take aim and strike at those people with words that do not match their deeds!
To those hypocrites who take advantage of the hopes of those in need!
To those people feeling important with unimportant words and mindless deeds!

In parchment or in paper.
At any given point in time, be it in January till December.
Be it using the keys of typewriters or of computers.
Even if I write in the dark in many of those ungodly hours.

My words shall be a weapon!
To spark the fire of the oppressed and wake their hearts to a liberating rebellion!
My words shall be louder than the growl of a mighty lion!
So loud that it’ll be far reaching, that it’ll reach the edge of this universe that is infinite and unending.

There shall be hardship and there shall be difficulty, with all that, I shall definitely agree.
As long as they have faith, hope, love, and stay with me through all the hardships and all the difficulties,
Let me say, that with my words I shall guide the weak and the oppressed to their sovereign victory.

With my pen, I shall bring forth justice and aid in defending those who are oppressed.
To give hope and light to those who are depressed.
To give strength to those who are weak.
To give boldness to those who are meek.
With a great feeling of love and continuous efforts to help those in need.

For I cannot just stand in silence and neglect.
While I watch those oppressors oppress those people whom I wish to protect.

My pen is more mightier than any knife, any blade, or any sword!
The words that come from it are sharper than any edge of any sharpened sword!

Pen of the Old Days

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