Long Time, No See, You and Me

Long Time, No See, You and Me
By: Julian Javier A.K.A. The Cyber Mushroom
Date: December 3, 2010 @ 8:41AM

Five months I have not seen nor have I talked to you…
Yet I still think of you…
Still, I’m in love with you…
Same as when the first time I saw you …

Normally, when I don’t see or talk to anyone for a month or two…
I forget who they were and what they did with me too…

But you, I haven’t forgotten not even in the slightest manner…
Though we did not have much to do together…
But talk a little about training lessons and walk on the same umbrella to the gala together…

You struck me like lightning…
Your name in my ear forever ringing…

Before I knew it, I adored you that much…
And I fell in love with you so much…

You ask what you did to me…
You have but to smile at me that day on the interview…

And I had but to see you fill up that form and observe you…
After then, you had my heart stuck in the middle of the sky so blue…

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