The Musician

The Musician
An Ode to Music from a Passionate Musician
By: Julian Javier
Date: March 14, 2011 @ 7:28PM GMT +8

Music, everything I hear is music…
With the sounds from the clamoring outside I can make music…
With the ticking of the clock I also hear music…
Oh, how wonderful it is to hear music in everything in this world that is so sick…

I love hearing those heavenly guitar licks from Eddie Van Halen’s guitar playing.
I love hearing those amazing bass lines from Robert Trujillo’s bass playing.
I love hearing those drumbeats from Vinnie Paul’s heavy drumming.
I love hearing that music from Ozzy Osbourne’s spirited singing.

Sound tripping time is the best time of my day…
Chilling in my chair listening to my favorite songs while with my sticks I shadow play…

Beating in the air as if there’s a drum set in front of this chair of mine…
With that lit Marlboro red stick in my lips, huffing and puffing, with my shades in these eyes of mine…

Feeling every slow and fast beat in the song…
Hitting my air drums making these sounds that I so long…

Oh how I wish I have my own TAMA drum set so i could practice more for my band that plays a lot of Ozzy and some of my favorite music in heavy metal…
complete with all the Sabian cymbals that I like with the TAMA Iron Cobra double pedal…
So, I could play all day, make music with noise, and be the me who is a man of heavy metal…
I wanna play all day, the music I play doesn’t have to be only metal, for I also love playing beats of blues or classical…

I love playing with all my heart whether I am angry or feeling romantic…
I love listening to these lovely songs; in my ear it’s sounds so like magic…
Sound tripping makes me feel alive and at times nostalgic…
Without music my life would be just so tragic…
I hope you also feel what I feel with music which is absolutely like magic…
With all these in mind let me tell you that I am a musician, music is my life, and I love music…

My Dream Drum Set

The Drummer

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