84,000 websites seized?

Dear Reader,

The government is feeling the heat. For months, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has shut down blogs and search engines that weren’t involved in any crimes. And then a couple of weeks ago they managed to take down 84,000 sites completely by accident.

Click here to tell ICE that they need to stop abusing their power by shutting down these websites.

ICE’s flubs have made it clear that they have no business wielding this much power over the Internet. Now ICE is feeling the pressure, and its director knows he has a public relations nightmare on his hands. In an unusual step, John Morton gave an interview in which he tried to justify the seizure policy: “We can seize and forfeit [websites] just like we seize and forfeit bank accounts, houses and vehicles that are used in other crimes.”

But ICE is taking down websites of people who aren’t guilty of any crimes, and in so doing they’re undermining Americans’ basic free speech rights.

Will you tell ICE that they need to end their website seizure program right away?

Thanks for standing up for free speech.

— The Demand Progress team

P.S. ICE is really starting to feel the heat — will you tell this to your friends and have them click on the sign links here, so we can keep the pressure mounting?

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