In my dreams

In my dreams
By: Julian Javier A.K.A. The Cyber Mushroom
Date: October 19, 2010 @ 12:21AM

Sitting in front of my screen.
Typing this note as I think of you and dream.
Thinking what to add to the next line.
So that you can enjoy it and have a great time.

Pondering on thoughts of “what if”…
Praying to god that you’ll also think of me and say “what if”…
(What if) we had a chance to know more about each other?
(What if) i had the chance to walk you home with our hands together?
(What if) every night we think about each other …with our hearts locked and tied to one another?

Pondering on thoughts of “i wish”…
Wishing that you’ll think of me and also say “i wish”…
(I wish) I can once again see your lovely smile…
(I wish) I am the man who makes you smile…
(I wish) I can stay up all night watching you calmly sleep… See you wake up, look at me, and smile…

Will destiny lead you one day to me?
Or are you all but a dream to me?

to be continued…

what if our destinies are to intertwine..?

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