
A Poem about Rice
By: Julian Javier
Date: April 26, 2011 @ 1:33AM GMT +8

This is a poem that is all about rice…
Plain rice…Garlic rice…
Balls of rice…All kinds of delicacies of rice…


You can eat it with meat, fish, and/or veggies…
You can eat it with fried eggs fresh from the poultry’s bounties…
There’s also those rice porridge and casserole varieties…
Arroz Caldo, Arroz Cazador, Arroz con Perdiz, Lugaw, Okayu, and Congees…
It can even be made to be sweet tasting special delicacies…
Rice Cakes, Rice Tamales, Suman, Chimakis, and Onigiris…
A lot of different rice delicacies…
A lot of different rice varieties…


But there’s my favorite recipe…
Simplest than all there is to be…
I never get tired of this simple recipe…
Steam cooked rice, how to cook it? Come see…


Pour in 2 cups of rice grains in a pot…
Add 3 cups of water to that…
Light up the stove and set on top the pot…
Close the lid and open it not…
Till all water dissipates to steam that is hot…
That’s steam cooked rice for you in a pot…


While the lid claps, some steam, water, and vapour can be seen escaping…
For pressure and steam are responsible for rice grains expanding…
As chemicals in rice break down and start bonding…
Rice cooking is where chemistry and physics are both acting…


Though steam cooked rice is the simplest rice variety…
Steam cooked rice is my all time favorite rice delicacy..
Served steamy, somewhat sticky…
Never coarse and always juicy…
White as the clouds and oh so fluffy…
Steam cooked rice is just oh so yummy…


Farmers and researchers put their effort and all their brains…
Just to produce these wonderful miracle called rice grains…
Patience, hard work, and love are the origins of these grains…
So let’s not take for granted the value and quantity of these cute little grains…
For in a bag of a kilogram, there are an average of 36,590 rice grains…
And in a sack of 50 Kilograms, there are 1,829,500 rice grains…


Plain rice…Garlic rice…
Balls of rice…All kinds of delicacies of rice…
This is a poem that is all about rice…


"Arigatou. Okawari kudasai? Thank you. More rice, please?"

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Long poem for Funny Bunny Fridays – Week 3 for October 7-16, 2011. Enjoy!


A Tanka poem about those calm clouds
By: Julian Javier
Date: April 12, 2011 @ 2:41PM GMT +8

High above a branch…
Clouds ride gently and carefree…
I wish to rest there…
To feel their fluff and softness…
To feel their relaxing calm…


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“Photos of those Calm Clouds that are so Beautiful in the Sky…”


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