The Exile

The Exile
Thoughts in Chaos
By: Julian Javier
Date: June 2, 2011 @ 9:45PM GMT +8

All in chaos…
Into confusion lost…


Unable to find his center…
In his conscience, light fails to enter…
Darkness beginning to conquer…
His reason starts to falter…


Cast into oblivion…
Exiled beyond redemption…
Forced into a life of seclusion…
A life of abnegation…


Abhorred and rejected…
Putrid and polluted…
Lost and distorted…
Crazed and demented…


His heart suffering forever in constant agony…
The exiled one walks the earth alone for all eternity…
His mind in constant chaos; absent of all harmony…
Crossing the plains of insanity…


The Exile


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