A Walk Under City Lights

A Walk Under City Lights
Summer Strolling Sentiments
By: Julian Javier
Date: April 17, 2011 @ 9:40PM GMT +8

It’s another lonely summer night…
With the full moon shining so bright…
As I walk under every city light…
I dream of the day when we can walk together side by side…


Feeling the cobblestone right underneath our feet…
With cars honking in this busy street…
And cats crying in the distance as if they were singing to a rhythmic beat…
With our hands together and our hearts following the same rhythmic beat…


Resting for a moment sitting in a bench found in this city’s maze…
Gazing at the full moon while we hold each other in a sweet embrace…
Looking at each other intently with a passionate gaze…
Kissing while our hearts beat hastily as if it were in a race…


And then after our night together when it’s about time to go home…
I wish upon a star to hold time’s phone…
So I can spend more time with you alone…
And hear more of your voice’s lovely and gentle tone…


Then by your door before we part…
One final hug and kiss from the heart…
I love you and goodbye for now my darling sweetheart…
Seeing you again will be my tomorrow’s favorite part…


I dream of our love to be…
Hot and passionate, burning like the flames of scorching Fire…
With feelings gushing like a torrent of tidal Water…
With resolve that is firm as rich Earth…
With the bond between us that is strong as sturdy Metal…
With loyalty as smooth as the feel of oak Wood…


These are the thoughts in my mind tonight…
As I gaze at the full moon’s light…
As I walk slowly under every lamp post and city light…
In this lonely summer night…


"Sentiments under the City Lights..."

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Thanks to everyone from the Promising Poets Poetry Cafe for this honor!
Here was the entry to which I got nominated: Beyond Silent Wars.
I nominate Magdalena Herman!

Here is my Haiku under the award for accepting this award:

The Perfect Poet Award 4: Poets Rally Week 41

Cherry Blossom Bliss
A Haiku for the Perfect Poet Award
By: Julian Javier
Date: April 21, 2011 @ 12:43AM GMT +8

Carried by the wind..
cherry blossoms are perfect…
Soothing, Relaxing…


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