Helter Skelter

Helter Skelter
A Helter-Skelter of Power
By: Julian Javier
Date: December 10, 2011 @ 1:34AM

Eyes wide open with unobstructed vision…
Blood coursing through my veins in hasty progression…
Limbs aided with graceful precision…
Senses dignified with foretelling intuition…


Shrouded in a mist of undaunted audacity…
Overwhelmed by a tidal wave of incalculable vitality…
With courage to overcome fear and accept reality…
Navigating the depths of the oceans of sane insanity…


Feeling no more pain, no more agony…
A hint of sought for immortality…
Caught in a moment of absolutely elated frenzy…
Burning with rage cradled in tenacity…


The mind clear of all distractions…
Comprehending deeper than the deepest of the earth’s vast oceans…
Discerning truth amidst a haze of serpentine delusions…
Unwavering and confident with chosen resolutions…


Determined to achieve anything…
Resolved to start from the very beginning…
By all means necessary amidst turmoil persevering…
With enduring demeanor to conclude with a concrete ending…


With such said gifts…
An insatiable gaping rift…
A relentless force carrying sanity adrift…


Into a whirlpool of discomfort and distress…
Beneath the depths of the seas of madness…


A soul fallen…
By sharp gripping talons!
Hastily stolen!


Engulfed in a deep trench of dreadful madness…
An empty husk…
yet dead and lifeless…


Caught in the apogee of interim blithe…
Amidst the shelter of madness’ light…
Intoxicated within insanity’s frenzied plight…


Smuggled deep into the eternal depths of harassing torment…
Sentient to the subject of the coming, lasting, and dreadful lament…
Amidst the most scenic and momentous of fate’s events…


Knowing what the chosen endeavor begets…
Conquering what lies ahead before it was beset…
Accepting fate before it was painstakingly set…
Never harboring any sort of grievous regret…


A Dark Rift Awaits


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